If you're installing the Flexbone Offense, one of the most critical components is the play of your Offensive Line.  A lot of people have been asking about it and I've finally gotten the OL Drill tape put together.  This is a compilation of drills from 2010 that I used at L.W. Higgins High School in New Orleans, LA.  The drill tape was made after the season, with only 2 OL demonstrating in helmets.  Our chute doesn't even have the mesh top on it, but you still get the gist of the drills.  I've tried to include coaching points on each slide.

Our base drills are as follows:

  • Stance

  • Duckwalk

  • Bear Crawl

  • 3 & 3

  • Board Steps (Reload, Step & Run, Full Speed)

  • Permian

  • JT

  • Veer

  • Down/Back Blocks

  • Cut

  • Turn

  • Sprint Out

I can talk a LONG time about OL play.  There's a lot of detail to how we coach this offense.  You need to be a "big picture" guy to understand it, but you definitely need to be a detail oriented coach and coach it to "absolute exactness" if you expect to have any success with this offense.  If you have questions, please let me know.  I'm also working on putting together some Navy OL Drills that we also use.  I'll update our drill tape for my current school (Hahnville High School) as soon as we get video later this summer.
